Venue Details
MASON Spa, a place of relaxation, rejuvenation from within, and thoughtfully created treatments is located at MASON, the uniquely crafted luxury beachfront pool villa resort in Na Jomtien, Pattaya.
MASON Zila Signature massage is a unique massage created only for MASON Spa and makes it the first place in the world to feature round and elongated stones from the Angsila community in a treatment. Storing tremendous positive energy from the Earth, the treatment’s smooth stones glide across your body and cast away any stiness and mental fatigue.
Incorporating aromatic hot oils, this massage focuses on untying knotted muscles to reduce stress and tightness. Benefits include relaxed muscles, improved circulation, boosted immunity and relief from muscle pains. Exclusively available and a must to discover at MASON Spa.
ZILASIGNATURE MASSAGE | 90 minutes for 1 person
Regular price THB 5,531.90 Net
General Terms & Conditions
- This voucher is valid from 07 October - 30 November 2023
- This voucher is not redeemable for cash and will not be replaced if lost, stolen, duplicated, altered in any way or otherwise destroyed
- This voucher cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotion(s)
- This voucher is valid for single use transaction only
- This voucher cannot be extended under any circumstances
- Original voucher must be presented upon arrival
- Rate is valid for new reservations only.
- This voucher is transferable or can be used as a gift
- The voucher (or any part thereof) is non-refundable and cannot be redeemed for cash or exchanged for any other products or services
- Special privileges available to Megatix clients only
- The management retains the right to reject any voucher that has been tampered with or found in any way unacceptable
- MASON retains the right to provide services in accordance with the most recent government declaration on the emergency situation and applicable regulations.
Terms & Conditions:
- This voucher is valid from 07 October - 30 November 2023
- Limit 4 vouchers can be used per booking.
- Both in-house and non-inhouse guests are welcome
- Reservations, please call +66 (0) 38 194 699 #807 or email [email protected]
- Reservations are subject to availability and must be made within 2 days in advance
- Cancellation or amendment must be made at least 2 days prior to treatment time. Any cancellation or amendment later than 2 days prior to treatment time will render the voucher redeemed.